Opening statements at hearings are limit to the chair or the ranking minority member or his designee. This will allow us to hear from our witnesses sooner and help members keep to their schedules. Therefore im asking for unanimous consent that all of the members Opening Statements be made part of the hearing record if they are submitted to the clerk by 5 00 p. M. Today. Hearing no objection so ordered. Without objection the chair may also declare a recess subject to the call of the chair. As described in the notice statements, documents or motions must be submitted to the electronic repository hnrc. Mail. House. Gov. Additionally please note in all full person meetings members are responsible for their own microphones. With our fully inperson meetings members can be muted by staff only to avoid inadvertent background noise. Anyone present in the hearing room today must wear a mask covering their mouth and nose. The speaker of the house and the sergeant at arms acting upon the recommend
You very much. The committee on Natural Resources will come to order. The committee is meeting to hear testimony on the questions of the u. S. Park police june 1 attack on the Peaceful Protesters at Lafayette Square. Under Committee Rules, oral Opening Statements and the ranking minority member or his designee. This will allow us to hear from the witnesses sooner and helps members ge keep to the schedule. Therefore i ask unanimous consent of the members o memberg statements be made a part of this hearing records submitted by 5 p. M. Today. Hearing no objection, so ordered. Without objection the chair will also declare a recess subject to the call of the chair. As described in the notice of documents and motions will be submitted to the electronic. Additionally please note members are responsible for their own microphones and as with the in person meetings members can be muted only to avoid inadvertent background noise. Anyone present in the hearing room today must wear a mask covering
Were behaving peacefully thank you very much. The committee on Natural Resources will come to order. The committee is meeting to hear testimony on the questions of the u. S. Park police june 1 attack on the Peaceful Protesters at Lafayette Square. Under Committee Rules, oral Opening Statements and the ranking minority member or his designee. This will allow us to hear from the witnesses sooner and helps members ge keep to the schedule. Therefore i ask unanimous consent of the members o memberg statements be made a part of this hearing records submitted by 5 p. M. Today. Hearing no objection, so ordered. Without objection the chair will also declare a recess subject to the call of the chair. As described in the notice of documents and motions will be submitted to the electronic. Additionally please note members are responsible for their own microphones and as with the in person meetings members can be muted only to avoid inadvertent background noise. Anyone present in the hearing room t
We are joined by Armstrong Williams longtime radio, tv talk show host, author, thank you for being with us here on washington journal this morning. Good morning and thank you so much for having me. Host we started our segment last hour with Michael Hopkins saying we asked both of you on today to talk about the reaction last week to the death of george floyd at the hands of the minneapolis police. But as the protests have grown and the civil rest has grown and writing, we want to get your reaction overall to what weve seen particularly in the last three days over the weekend across the country. Guest you know, the beauty of america is our right to protest in a very peaceful way. The majority of the protesters are very peaceful and they had the moral high ground no different than the one when you had the terrorist attack on Emanuel Church in charlestown. Members of that community, even though they thought there would be looting and burning, [inaudible] was one of those killed for no reas
Suggesting one productive way of redrawing that history is to think in terms of a complicated and ever shifting set of contests among three sets of actors. Three sets of actors we call native people, settler colonists, and european empires. Obvious to folks what we mean when we think about native peoples, although it should not be that obvious, except to stress it is a plural term. We it is a complicated set of things. We have also been talking about the technical use of the term settler and settler colonists. I wonder if i might embarrass somebody in our room among these wonderful teachers to try to take a crack at defining what we mean by settler colonists in this threepart mix. Theory the settlers believed the land they arrive to belonged to them and not the native people so they had a right to be on that land and the native people could be erased. Right, and that is a historical product. There may be some people who came to north america from europe or elsewhere with the idea in th