Apex Prospect, Mason Co., Washington, USA : A manganese prospect near Lake Cushman. It was developed several short adits and cuts. A small amount of drilling was conducted by the US Bureau of Mines.
Ozette Beach Placer, Clallam Co., Washington, USA : A gold-platinum placer located on the beach 2 miles north of the mouth of the Ozette river. This placer produced a small amount in the early 1900 s. Mineralization is an ocean beach placer, with sand .
Johnson Point Placer, Clallam Co., Washington, USA : Near Johnson Point by La Push beach placers showed high grade spots of gold. An unknown amount of production is reported from 1908.
Port Angeles Prospect, Clallam Co., Washington, USA : A gold prospect located on the old Melick Farm near the head of White Creek. Assays showed up to $123/ton in gold, but these were certainly high-graded.