tom costello is joining us from washington. tom, what happened here? where was this flight going to that people weren t buckled in their seats? united airlines 777 headed from washington dulles out to lax. and this was severe turbulence at about 34,000 feet somewhere over kansas, we believe. and immediately the reports hit the cockpit with multiple injuries in the back, in the cabin itself, and included in that were apparently several flight attendants, four flight attendants on duty were injured. they decided they had to divert on a medical emergency basis and went to denver international airport and met by firefighters and paramedics on the ground to transport the patients to several area hospitals in denver, including denver health medical, swedish medical center, the university of colorado med center. all the patients were treated. for the most part, these were described as moderate injuries, quote/unquote, walking injuries. we are talking about strains and sprains as well as w