Marguerite Prospect, Conconully Area, Conconully Mining District, Okanogan Co., Washington, USA : A copper prospect located somewhere in Section 30 (35-25E) north of Conconully.
St. Anthony Mine, Methow Mining District, Okanogan Co., Washington, USA : A gold mine near the head of Mulhollan gulch. It was developed by an adit, a shaft, and several open cuts. Some ore was produced in 1934.
Lead Horse Prospect, Chewuch River Area, Okanogan Co., Washington, USA : A lead prospect on the south side of Billy Goat Peak. Irregular bunches of galena occur in altered volcanic rock.
Note: The location given for this prospect is questionable as Huntting (1956) .
Tomlinson Prospect, Methow Mining District, Okanogan Co., Washington, USA : A copper-lead-zinc prospect located on the Methow River.
Note: This is likely a duplicate of one of the mines owned by D.W. Tomlinson at one time, which include the Mountain Beaver and Mazama .