Washington County Courthouse, 205 Putnam St., Marietta.
(Photo by Michele Newbanks)
The condition of all county-owned buildings will soon be assessed by the Southeast Ohio Building Department.
In a recent meeting of the Washington County Board of Commissioners, Commissioner Jamie Booth said this was something he was interested in getting done.
“When you’re elected as an official, the citizens trust you to take care of their property, i.e. the buildings,” Booth said Tuesday. “We are not doing our due diligence if we do not assess where we are with maintenance.”
He said he’s never heard of the county assessing all of its properties before.
Photo by Michele Newbanks
Washington County Commissioner Charlie Schilling struggles to lock the window after Jamie Vuksic, social services director with the Washington County Department of Job and Family Services, pushes the window into place Thursday afternoon at 204 Davis Ave.
The Washington County Board of Commissioners tabled several agenda items Thursday, including two engineer contracts for renovations at 202 and 204 Davis Ave.
The two Davis Avenue properties currently house the OSU Extension office, Washington County Children Services, the Washington County Board of Elections and the Washington County Emergency Management Association.
At the start of the meeting, Commission Clerk Ben Cowdery said a resolution to issue around $500,000 in bonds for the Washington County Department of Job and Family Services facility renovations would be taken off the agenda.