Industry News: Cell-freezing market to be transformed by University of Warwick spin-out CryoLogyx
CryoLogyx will use research emerging from Professor Gibson’s laboratories to transform how cells, and cell-based therapies are stored and transported
11 Feb 2021
The University of Warwick spin-out company, CryoLogyx, has been awarded £300k from InnovateUK to develop innovative cryopreservation agents with applications in the diagnostic, medicines discovery and cell-based therapy markets.
CryoLogyx will build on research emerging from Professor Matthew Gibson’s laboratories, based in both the Department of Chemistry and Warwick Medical School at the University of Warwick.
In order to store and transport cells for research, or as advanced medicines, it is essential to freeze them as they are not stable at room temperature for long periods. The traditional solution to this was to add organic solvent ‘antifreezes’, similar to what you might use in your car. Professor Gibson’s
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· CryoLogyx, a new University of Warwick spin-out, has received funding from Innovate UK · CryoLogyx will use research emerging from Professor Gibson's.