then he started to cry and that s when he put his mother on the phone. i lost two soldiers in afghanistan and it didn t, i mean, it affected me because that s another human being, but i think the hardest thing that hit me was when i came back and went to work in a unit dealing with wounded warriors in a warrior transition unit. and a buddy of mine hung himself and nobody saw the signs. that was hard. no matter how much training i ve had in the army on suicide, you know, no matter what my degree is in, when it s all said and done, this is another human being on the other line, you know, that s reaching out for me at that moment. he s giving me that five minutes or that ten minutes, whatever time frame to help him. you know, and i can either help him, you know, or he s fell through the cracks and become a statistic. you know, and that s my job is to make sure he doesn t become a statistic. that we help him.
said he started to cry and that s when he put his mother on the phone. i lost two soldiers in afghanistan and it didn t, i mean, it affected me because that s another human being, but i think the hardest thing that hit me was when i came back and went to work in a unit dealing with wounded warriors in a warrior transition unit. and a buddy of mine hung himself and nobody saw the signs. that was hard. no matter how much training i ve had in the army on suicide, you know, no matter what my degree is in, when it s all said and done, this is another human being on the other line, you know, that s reaching out for me at that moment. he s giving me that five minutes or that ten minutes, whatever time frame to help him. you know, and i can either help him, you know, or he s fell through the cracks and become a statistic. you know, and that s my job is
indian airlines. air india was bailed out by the air india was bailed out by the government last month. captions by vitac welcome to cnn newsroom, i m suzanne malveaux. today we are live from aspen, colorado, and beautiful setting talking about the world s most pressing problems. this is the eighth annual aspen ideas festival and leaders and thinking from the united states and the world meet to discuss ideas from policy, politics, science, art, values, culture, and everything. they have a chance to listen, learn and debate. first at the start of the hour, a huge stock market rally. a deal to help struggling banks in europe was welcomed on wall street. european countries agreed to aid the banks without adding to the country s debt. and the nasdaq is higher and the dow up more than 200 points. deadly shooting during a safety briefing in fort bragg in north carolina. one soldier killed and one of the soldiers shot another and then turned a gun on himself.
my life. i cover that in the book to have hope and understand we have a purpose on earth. uma: that is an amazing message. you make a difference in the lives of people every day because you help so many people overcome the challenges of their faith. quickly, tell me what it s like for you to know you make a difference in this life? it s awesome to have amazing feeling and have the army support me, continue on active duty and command the warrior transition unit in west point, new york. amazing to realize i am making a positive difference. i think that is ultimately my goal to continue to make positive difference in people s lives. uma: tiffany, i know you re proud of your husband. you look forward to adventures that lie ahead. it will be exciting, i m sure. uma: indeed. the book is absolutely wonderful. hope unseen. captain smiley, you truly are a hero. we salute you and thank you for your courage and your
understood what god allowed to happen in my life and the changes that had occurred. megyn: what effect do you think it has had on your two boys to see their father, the change in him, to see him come back from that low back on active duty training other officers. they are still pretty young so they just run around and they think he s cool. scotty is their hero. he particular them to the park and they he runs around with them. megyn: i understand he was able to help you in the hospital determine the fox of the baby. that temperature right. megyn: you still have the use of your hands. i want to talk about what you are doing that west point. you are the first blind officer object on active duty at west point and you are training who? i m training wownded soldiers. i m the company commander of the warrior transition unit at west