TURBOTVILLE — The Warrior Run School Board at Monday night s meeting approved a $48,700 bid by T-Ross Brothers Construction Inc. for junior/senior high school corridor upgrades.
TURBOTVILLE — The Warrior Run School Board at Monday night s meeting approved a $48,700 bid by T-Ross Brothers Construction Inc. for junior/senior high school corridor upgrades.
TURBOTVILLE — Warrior Run School Board approved a proposed final $28.6 million 2024-25 school year budget with tax increases for real estate owners in Northumberland and Montour counties. Union County
TURBOTVILLE — John Lyons was named the next Warrior Run School Board president after being nominated and voted in by his fellow council members at Tuesday night s special reorganization meeting.
One month in, the Warrior Run School District’s $37 million construction project, which includes an elementary school and stadium, “is moving along pretty well,” according to Dr. Alan Hack, district superintendent.
Expectations are that it will meet the projected completion date. The stadium is scheduled to be completed by August 2022 and the school in November of that year.
“Obviously they are currently doing quite a bit of earth moving work and that’s weather-dependent, but at this point they have not been delayed enough to extend the deadline,” he said. “There’s still a number of months that something could happen, but as of right now they are working very diligently according to the schedule that they have established.”