Now everything private about us is not in the house. We we have to find out ways to protect things that we care about and so forth. So we talking about . Well, the names of the organizations of the services that we are talking about, who are we talking about . We are talking about not only states, but think about it, private data affects 800 Million People. It will be the Third Largest nation in the world after china that has its own currency and economy. And yet, there is no revelation about what can be posted in the government can try to get information off of social networking sites. We are talking about companies that made a deal with Internet Service providers in california in order to put their hardware. They could copy and analyze every web search mitigation was just a settlement, but we have to think about the way it our private information has become public and potentially monetize them out there. Okay, so we are talking about the real beginning of this conversation. With 11 k
Law. With so money issues on his plate we want to hear from you about what you believe is the most important issue facing the president. What should his top priority be right now . Phone lines, our are open. Republicans can call at we want to take you to this front page story. Ma returns to tough agenda comments are already coming in on her Facebook Page on this issue. We ask you what is your priority with the president s agenda right now . A few comments coming in. Darrell writes in it doesnt matter what the public wants, we will be taking your calls and comments on the subject. We want to go a bit over the president s schedule this week. Deputyjoined by the white house editor for politico. Start us off with this bus to or in this bus tour. Educationis on higher issues but he will be talking about other issues as well . Republicans are coming up now very quickly. This particular spring is going to be focused on colleges. Hes going to take care of upstate new york. He is going to be st
Vastly expanded Nuclear Enrichment program in their country even if it is under tight safeguards. Your point is very well taken, senator. As i said, nothing is agreed to until everything is agreed to the practical needs are an element of comprehensive agreement, but so are our concerns about their ability to have Nuclear Weapons, which is primary that they not obtain a Nuclear Weapon. And so whatever the final agreement is, that is the assurance that its utmost that t important. But again if they build ten new Nuclear Power plant that would be a vast program they would havtheywould have to havee complications of monitoring such a program would be exponentially greater and i just think that we have to keep that in mind Going Forward because that is how they would actually crack the inspections regime in the years ahead even if we got the comprehensive agreement. And finally, since the november agreement have you seen the signs of the uptick for the proxies and allies around the middle e
Organization but we need to do a better job with the whole nation about going to places where there isnt a national structure. I want to bring brooke de lench. Tell us about your web site. Do you working with the nfl . Yes, we are actually helping with the nfl evolution so each day you see some of the tips from the team which i and the publisher in that fight, i am also the author of Home Team Advantage the Critical Role of mothers in youth sports and i have a great new hat, a producer of a documentary around football. And i keep hearing these great pieces about parents, so moms team is the web site that i run and for the past 12 years we have been leading the way i believe in concussion education as a youth 49 High School Level. Moms are concerned. Moms are very concerned. Your ago, nine months ago i received a letter from a mom in oklahoma and she wanted momsteam to parachuting with our team of experts to set up a Concussion Management program and that is a very common question we ha
Getting the benefit and availability of the site committees. We do believe we would get additional takeout from higher attach servicing of these loans with the policy changes that weve made. On the origination side, we are increasing premiums to some degree, 10 basis points on an annual basis. You think its important measure to take given what the fundies. We are very mindful that we have to be careful about adding additional cost on to new borrowers on loans that frankly are already profitable and starting to develop a cushion for fha. But at the same time, we need to ensure we can bring in additional revenue, which will be helpful for the fund moving forward. We are reversing a policy that has been not longstanding, but standing since around 2000 of automatically canceling mortgage Insurance Premium vanilla amortize to a 78 of tv. We have reversing the policy and making sure the Insurance Premium remains with the log. Fha is insuring the blog for ongoing period of time. We dont get o