What we got ourselves into. [shouting] rob celebrating halloween at one of the northeasts now most notorious Haunted Houses. Jillian you all get a fox front row seat. Fox and friends first continues right now. Thriller thriller of the night jillian happy hello income you are watching fox and friends first on thursday morning. Rob the kids are going to get wet in the northeast. It is raining around here. Thanks for getting up early with us and straight to a fox news alert. Dramatic video of the usled raid that killed isis leader Abu Bakr Albaghdadi. Juan guaido carley democrats demand the Trump Administration reveal its full plan of taking down isis in syria. Reporter the might of the us military in full display in a series of videos that show how the rate went down. Look at this. Us Ground Troops approaching the compound where Abu Bakr Albaghdadis tunnel was found, those troops met by a number of civilians. The moment u. S. Air force 0 in on the combatants and obliterate blowing them a