The traffic police in Bihar will be equipped with body warm cameras, so that people do not feel that no one is watching them while issuing traffic | BLiTZ
Bus Drivers: The Unsung Heroes of the Cambridge Schools
The unsung heroes of any school district are the bus drivers and that is true for Cambridge Schools, too.
They rise early to make sure the buses are ready for the routes. They are the first and last representative of the school your child sees each day. They are the only district employees who spend the majority of the time with their backs to the students, yet still maintain discipline. And they are responsible for the safety of your children in conditions they have extraordinarily little control over.
“It absolutely takes a special person to be a bus driver,” Transportation Director Dan Daugherty said. “When I first started driving, I had no idea what I was getting into. When you get behind the wheel and look up in the mirror and see all those kids, it’s like ‘Holy Cow, what was I thinking.’