discrimination. he claims his job applications were ignored because he was not an attractive young woman. this happened to me a lot. kyle hunter, seen here. he is looking sassy. he is seeking unspecified damages after he says he was passed over for jobs at two cbs stations for women with no qualifications despite his years of experience. he looks like david bowie. a spokesman says the complaint is frivolous and based on misstatement of facts. dennis, gloria all re d is his lawyer. does it make you dislike him more or like him more? number one goal is to make sure i say nothing on this show that could wreck my career. you guys are crazy here. you don t say anything. so, it makes me dislike him more that she is his lawyer. that lawyer has an amazing nose foregoing after news-generating cases even if she doesn t go after terribly just causes sometimes. however, in this case, i have
thought of giving aid during the time of vietnam disqualified her. yes, i thought somebody who did that couldn t believe they had it to say somebody else s voice should be silenced. then i realize it makes perfect sense. that s what ho chi minh would do. that s exactly what ho chi minh would do. that s who she is drawing inspiration from. nice one. gloria all re d helped draft the 19th century law. michael, was it you that said the fcc should get him off the air? yes jie. they don t regulate cable. maybe it sho. maybe that s the problem. maybe it should. i think ms. allred could still sue joseph devito. and if she is going to sue, that is the party whom she should be suing. she wears pant suits.
steelers and pop warner. you come to new york, and you are playing with the pros. these homeless people have like super human strength. it is like junk yard dog versus poodles. they are not doing the internet on 8th and 34th. i wouldn t bank on that. i am not an italian-american, but smarting from the fact you called the vipa a wap. that s w-a-p. from hotspots to knit wits. they want to put limbaugh into limbo. attorney and attention-seeking gloria all red said rush limbaugh should be prosecuted for defending sandra flook by calling her a slut. her basis is an 1883 florida law that states who ever speaks of and concerning any woman, married or unmarried, falsely, maliciously imputing to her a want of chastity they always talked funny back
basically it is a war on pumpkins. and that is a metaphor for a lot of the wars. we will get to snooki later though. that wasn t even worth it. michael, the best part in this fonda, gloria stenam op ed is a claim they claim it isn t political. how is this not political? if this was bill mar, this would not happen. i saw daily beast op-ed. they compare him to joseph gerble. they are immediately disqualified. i think she disqualified herself by going to north vietnam. the factor is giving aid and suffer to the enemy of war. that said let s move to the real issue. gloria all re d, my anger is directed to the media.
did that couldn t believe they had it to say somebody else s voice should be silenced. then i realize it makes perfect sense. that s what ho chi minh would do. that s exactly what ho chi minh would do. that s who she is drawing inspiration from. nice one. gloria all re d helped draft the 19th century law. michael, was it you that said the fcc should get him off the air? yes jie. they don t regulate cable. maybe it sho. maybe that s the problem. maybe it should. i think ms. allred could still sue joseph devito. and if she is going to sue, that is the party whom she should be suing. she wears pant suits.