Maine Warden Service Rescues Man From Icy Water
PRINCETON, Maine – A Princeton man is lucky to be alive after he was rescued from the icy waters of Long Lake.
In order to help a deer that had fallen through the ice on Long Lake, Rick Crowe, age 63 of Princeton, had put on a life jacket and tried to take a canoe out onto the ice to rescue the deer. The canoe overturned, throwing Crowe into the frigid water a little after 8:30 yesterday morning. Tina Crowe, Rick’s wife, immediately called Game Warden Brad Richard who was in the area.
Richard went to the scene, saw Crowe in the water with his lifejacket, and immediately got the Warden Service Airboat that was stored at the nearby Princeton Airport, as well as Princeton Fire Chief Tony Ramsdell and Princeton Firefighter Chris McPhee. He also alerted the Indian Township Police and Indian Township Ambulance.
A Man Had to be Rescued After Falling Through Ice Trying to Save a Deer
Alright, I must stress that I’m not a monster. And the thought of a deer falling through ice is extremely unfortunate, but I can’t honestly say I would walk out on ice I knew was dangerously thin to rescue the animal.
I’m not quite sure what that says about me, but judging how it went with this Maine man when he attempted to play hero, I think I’ll stick to my guns on this one.
News Center Maine reports 63-year-old Rick Crowe from Princeton had to be rescued by Maine Game Wardens and Princeton Police after he fell into the frigid cold waters of Long Lake on Monday morning. According to Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife spokesperson Mark Latti, Crowe was taking a canoe out to rescue the deer in distress, when the canoe flipped. Evidently, Crowe’s wife was standing by and called game wardens for help.