Us and brItIsh operatIons. You are watchIng bbc lets return to our top story. A senIor Un OffIcIal has told a SecurIty CouncIl MeetIng populated resIdentIal dIstrIct of dahIeh. CallIng thIs a precIsIon strIke, the target was the Veteran Hezbollah mIlItary leader IbrahIm aqIl. Israel saId he had been elImInated, along wIth about ten commanders of an elIte unIt. At the tIme of the strIke, aqIl and the commanders of the radwan forces were gathered underground under a resIdentIal buIldIng In the heart of the dahIeh In BeIrut, hIdIng among lebanese cIvIlIans, usIng them as human shIelds. They were In the mIddle of plannIng more Terror Attacks agaInst IsraelI cIvIlIans. AqIl had plenty of enemIes. The us had put a 7 MIllIon bounty on hIs head, accusIng hIm of Involvement In the kIllIng of amerIcans In BeIrut In the 1980s. SIren waIls day after day now, hezbollah Is beIng hIt and beIng weakened by warfare from a dIstance. We were repeatedly prevented from reachIng the scene by locals and the
Outfront next, moving up a new swing state polls tonight show harris in the lead as a major fed interest rate cut could give another big boost to the vice president trump tonight calling foul plus springfield, ohio rocked by new bomb threats tonight. After trump s false claim about haitian migrants eating pets even the editor of the haitian times was targeted. What happened when she answered the door of her home? she s my guest tonight. And the one and only connie chung is outfront she doesn t hold back on. Barbara walters, dan rather, and revealing a surprise when we thought the interview was over let s go outfront good evening i m erin burnett out front tonight, a swing state surge, new polls this evening show the vice president s campaign is picking up speed in crucial battleground states that includes pennsylvania, where kamala harris has now opened up a sixt point lead 51% to trump s 45. Now that is outside the margin of error in michigan, 50% of likely voters right now back on ha
He argues thaw failures and reinventions we use the constitution as a tool to create our modern core values. The Smithsonian Associates hosted the event. Good evening, everyone. Can you all hear me in the back . My name is ruth robbins and it is a pleasure to welcome you to our program, before we start a couple of quick things. If you have electronic devices, now is a good time to turn them off. As usual in our programs, there is no photography and no filming. Also, if youre wondering what our equipment is in the back of the room, its cspan. So make show your nicest smile, brush your hair, in case you get a cameo and when we get to the q and a part, there is a meeker phone in the back of the room that will let you know when its time for that and youll get time to ask your questions. In the rest of times it is always worthwhile to visit the documents that set us apart from british rule and created the framework of the government. Today our guest speaker Kermit Roosevelt explains these d
Collaborate with the National World war i museum. And im particularly thankful to lora for reaching out to me and making this weekend possible. I have about 45, 50 minutes of stories and information that im excited to share with you and i do very much hope that you will pose whatever questions you have. I dont always have the answers but i will certainly give it my best shot. So the cover that youre looking at there on the screen is the cover of my most recent book. Peace on our terms. And it is fundamentally tied to the history of world war i, which makes this collaboration so important to me. My book is a snapshot of a singular moment in history. Almost exactlily 100 years ago, as the world finally began exiting from the devastation of the first world war. And was able to begin both dreaming and planning for the peace and the new world that would come afterwards. At this moment, i show in my book that women from farreaching and incredibly diverse parts of the world began stepping on
I have about 45, 50 minutes of stories and information im excited to share with you. And i do very much hope that you will pose whatever questions you have. I dont always have the answers but i will certainly give it my best shot. The cover that youre looking at there on the screen is the cover of my most recent book, peace on our terms. And it is fundamentally tied to the history of world war i which makes this collaboration so important to me. My book is a snapshot of a singular moment in history. Almost exactly 100 years ago, as the world finally began exiting from the devastation of the first world war. And was able to begin both dreaming and planning for the peace and the new world that would come afterwards. At this moment, i show in my book that women from farreaching and incredibly diverse parts of the world began stepping onto the global stage and asserting an agenda of womens rights and gender equality. And at the core, demanding the right for women to be able to help shape t