clinton. he s running against barack obama, but he might be running against bush, too. not beloved among conserve iati, growing government. karen finney, you re a campaign person, when you hear a campaign manager changing like the jon huntsman campaign is doing and it s not labor day, what does that tell you? it s not good. there are changes but they ve not been able to get themselves off the ground. there was so much pomp and circumstance and then nothing. does anybody even know where he is today or the day before? it s the message guy being elevated. they want a more aggressive message against president obama, the guy that is stepping is the former rapid responder, and the war room guy for john mccain and arnold schwarzenegger. he knows how to step it up. stick around, because we got to talk about the donald afterwards. name the only three states that have voted for third party
elevated. they want a more aggressive message against president obama, the guy that is stepping is the former rapid responder, and the war room guy for john mccain and arnold schwarzenegger. he knows how to step it up. stick around, because we got to talk about the donald afterwards. name the only three states that have voted for third party presidential candidates two or more times since 1900, jeff greenfie greenfield, the answer is alabama, louisiana, and mississippi, all three states votedyzirñ for strom thurman an george wallace. i ve got new names you ll want to be following on twitter. this is the nbc news 2012 campaign embed reporters. tivo it, pause it, follow these people at 10:10 a.m. right after the show, we ll let you know who they are covering, where they ll be living and what they ll be doing. we ll be right back.