attack facebook, liberals attack facebook. you go on facebook, i think the top 10 trending news stories, generally 90% are conservative. facebook is an equal opportunity offender. everybody loves to hate the media. right now we re having a he debate about how best to regulate these companies they re private companies. should they be regulated like public utilities, should they be left to do whatever they want and this is going to be an ongoing debate and i think the vaccine part of it is one example. howie: mollie jump in. the idea they can ban the top person in the republican party and you don t have everybody crying out what an outrage this is, while he was president they did it, it doesn t mean anything if the top ten posts are from the right, if they ve so limited people a that they don t let top republicans express their opinion there. this needs be fought. everyone needs to agree, regardless if they personally
i m howard kurtz. we hope you ll like our facebook page. you can come at me on twitter@howardkurtz. check out the podcast. you can subscribe. we ve got the whole show in, last week we spent half of it narrating richard branson s space landing. we are back here next sunday. sue you then with the latest media buzz. it s the simple act of enjoying time with friends, knowing you understand your glucose levels. . . . men, you need to get off the couch and get with the program. with golo, i lost 50 pounds. it feels really good to be able to button your jacket and not worry about it blowing up. -(laughs) -go to
this is not how we handle debates, having the white house flag things they view as misinformation and they re not very good at detecting misinformation. i remember when jen psaki was saying that hunter biden s laptop was russian disinformation. it s not. disinformation is not things that make jen psaki or joe biden look bad. that s not how it s defined. yet, that s how the white house is defining it. that s very dangerous and it does more to hurt, again, vaccine acceptance and trust with government and corporations, the more they re meddling together, colluding together against the american people. howie: let me play for you and our audience what president biden said on friday when a reporter asked him about facebook s role. what s your message to platforms like facebook? they re killing people. look, the only pandemic we have among the unvaccinated. and they re killing people. howie: much stronger language than the president usually uses. is the white house colluding with facebook
can do is have a conversation with people. if people don t want to get a shot, this is still america and they can do that. howie: i ve got a few seconds. president biden said friday that facebook is killing people by allowing vaccine misinformation to spread on its platform. do you agree with that. absolutely not. look, we have to rein in facebook and all these social media giants who are deciding what is and is not proper content. but that is absolute hyperbole. the truth is, people know what the value of the vaccine is and they should be encouraged to do it. but if you choose not to get a vaccine, you do so with the decision s of you and your doctor and your healthcare professionals. that s how we have to leave it. this notion that joe biden is going to send people door-to-door to check on your vaccine status is absolutely outrageous. howie: i agree it s an individual decision. i wish more americans would get the life saving shots. corey lewandowski, thank you for joining us. tha
hesitant about the vaccines are not republicans. the more the media make it out that it s something that s part a san partisan, that will have an effect. it was president biden and vice president harris who said they didn t have trust in the vaccine, that makes people not trust what the media are saying. i think we need to be careful and not have forgetfulness about what was happening in the campaign. howie: press secretary jen psaki causing a major media stir, telling reporters that to better sell the vaccine program, we re flagging problematic posts from facebook that spread misinformation. does that sound like collusion to you. we had everybody talking about farism. that s when corporations and governments merge together in their interests and that s what we re hearing people talk about openly from the podium of the white house. this is very dangerous. this is not american.