our police officers, the war on cops front and center in virginia after officers sit in patrol cars are ambushed by gunfire three times within the last few months. they are being targeted specifically because they chose to have a life of service to others, we have families, we have people that we love and we have people we are going to go home to. heather: boy, some gang members are wearing t-shirts with the discussing #dpdk, that stands for death to police officer killers. heather: banning alcohol at fraternity and sorority plunges to his death and fell downstairs and frat brothers didn t call for 12 hours. the no alcohol rule will remain
going to do a great job with hud. so i believe that if we love, forgive, and pray, that we can begin to work together rather than fight each other. steve: all right. dr. king, thank you very much for dropping by the curvey couch today. very nice to see you. ainsley: heather has some headlines for you. heather: three gangs are now threatening to kill some of our police officers. war on cops front and center in danville, virginia. officers sitting in police cars have been ambushed by gunfire three times in the last three months alone. they are being targeted specifically because they chose to have a life of service to others. we have families. we have people that we love. we have people we are going to go home to. heather: no kidding. some gang members are wearing this on their t-shirts with thedpdk. that stands for danville police department killers. we will keep you posted on any update.