obama among women compared to support for mitt romney among women. that is a really big divide. that s really bad for the republicans. now, this was the gender divide if the last presidential election, which, of course, the republicans lost and lost badly. can we put up the actually, those 08 numbers side by side with the current romney numbers, to see what the new problem is here, just so you can see it in context. right. okay, see? mitt romney is not just in bad shape with women voters, he is in even worse shape with women voters than the last republicans were, and the last republicans lost the election really badly. the problem with women voters is the problem the republicans have been trying to fix. and here was how they tried to fix it first. if the democrats said we had a war on caterpillars and every mainstream media outlet talked about the fact that the democrats had a war on caterpillars, we d have a problem with caterpillars. the fact is that it s a fiction. reince pri
it was worse than uxe war on caterpillars. did you hear how they screwed this up today? did you? that s next. my smile wasn t. [ female announcer ] new crest 3d white intensive professional effects whitestrips. it goes below he enamel surface to whiten as well as a five-hundred dollar professional treatment. wow, that s you? [ female announcer ] new intensive professional effects whitestrips. a simple way to make dinner fresh and new again. just stir it in. now it only takes a moment to make the moment. spread a little joy and see need a little happiness to be living the life yeah, but the feeling wasn t always mutual. i want you to grow big! if you grow for me, you ll get cookies for free. nothing worked. but we started using miracle-gro garden soil. you just mix it with your backyard soil. and it feeds your plants for up to 3 months. my plants grew bigger. more beautiful. with more flowers and vegetables. guaranteed. everything changed with miracle-gro. for you are these fl
this is the support for barack obama among women compared to support for mitt romney among women. that is a really big divide. that s really bad for the republicans. now, this was the gender divide if the last presidential election, which, of course, the republicans lost and lost badly. can we put up the actually, those 08 numbers side by side with the current romney numbers, to see what the new problem is here, just so you can see it in context. right. okay, see? mitt romney is not just in bad shape with women voters, he is in even worse shape with women voters than the last republicans were, and the last republicans lost the election really badly. the problem with women voters is the problem the republicans have been trying to fix. and here was how they tried to fix it first. if the democrats said we had a war on caterpillars and every mainstream media outlet talked about the fact that the democrats had a war on caterpillars, we d have a problem with caterpillars. the fact is th
40. which sa pretty big deal to be that specific to this crime. about what percentage were accurate and leading you to the suspects? i don t really know that. but i know there was at least over 10 that were confirmed or go back to those same suspects. what do you think was the tip that led you to them? i really can t discuss that issue. i apologize. that s going to be part of our investigation. i don t want to take a chance on divulging the possible identity of those persons. what s your reaction to this type of crime happening here? it sickens me, it angers me. this is not what tulsa, oklahoma, is about. our hate groups are very spotty. we have them over the decades occasionally. they re not something we have to even we don t have them here to monitor them on a regular basis. and we feel fortunate about that. i think i ve got the same feelings as any tulsan has, we were very distressed. again, it sickens you and angers you. chief, it seems yesterday you were
plus a conversation with me manual cheever. if if you believe the president is a christian, why would that be you still come to the belief he s trying to destroy religion? ralph reed. is it similarly wrong them for democrats to say that the republican party is engaged in a war on women? and david brody of the crist janua christian broadcasting network. i m candy crowley and this is state of the union. in an election expected to somewhere on the economy, both parties got something to schu on this this week. 120,000 new jobs were added to the economy in march, but that was way off the 200,000 expected. unemployment dropped a tenth of a percent, but economists say some quit looking for work. mitt romney called the report weak and very troubling. the president said there s a lot more work to do. joining me now from miami, florida is the chair of the democratic national committee, congresswoman debbie wasserman schultz. thank you for joining us on this holiday weekend. i