agreement about what to do about climate change, about debt relief, poverty reduction. isn t the fundamental problem you face that in the wealthy countries of world, the domestic politics right now does not allow for a massive expansion of aid and you need a lot of money to solve the kind of problems you re talking about. look, i think this summit is very important moment. for at least two reasons, if i may say. first one, geopolitics. there is a big risk of a global divide. because of the war in ukraine, and the whole dynamic and this divide is a west against the rest and this narrative is pushed by some big country, i would say, for several reasons, but listening to a lot of leaders during the past year, i was very upset by this narrative
to welcome him that didn t materialize. but i don t think we re going to fully understand yesterday s events for some days or maybe even weeks. marsha, do you have a sense about the whole issue of the people on the the streets in rostov, for example, seemed to be cheering him on. that would seem kind of dangerous? what conclusion do you draw from that? so, you know, his main audience is the military and the people who adjacent to the military. and that is exactly who was in rostov, in the streets of rostov. i wouldn t put too much stock into his undermining the rational for the war narrative. there are many rationals for the war, it works by creating a caulko phony and what he has done is he s tapped into a deal
is a whole lot to untangle there. that war of nerves failed. marsha and ann stay with us. when we come back, we ll talk about what all this means for war in ukraine when we come back. with the freestylelibre , know youglucose level and where it s headed. no fingersticks needed. manage your diabetes with more confidence. freestyle libre 2. try it for free at psoriasis really messes with you. try. hope. fail. no one should suffer like that.
he directly and frontally criticized the entire rational for the war on ukraine. that seems a major i mean this is a guy who has been who has been running the one part of the army that seemed to be winning the battles in ukraine and he s saying the wa was started on bogus claims? yes. this to me was the most extraordinary thing that he said yesterday. he said there were two reasons for the war. one was that the defense minister shoigu wanted to become a marshal and raise her rank and the other reason was that lots of russian elites have made money from the occupation of eastern ukraine from donbas since 2014 and now they wanted to make more money. and he was saying this is purely self-interest and greed and no reason to fight this war and he accompanied that by saying how badly russian soldiers have been
this is gps , the global public square. welcome to all of you in the united states and around the world. i m fareed zakaria coming to you live. we ll begin today s program with the stunning developments in russia over the last few days. i ll be joined by top analysts who will help us understand what is happened so far and what might happen next and what is all means for the war in ukraine. also, french president emmanuel macron. i talk to him at a global summit he hosted in paris this week about how the west could help end extreme poverty and curb climate change. and about the striking rise of china and the potential of a thaw in its relations with the