russia here. so we arm ukraine so we can fight russia. russi now how many americansa. whatever you think of putin, probably not much justifiably. probably not havestifiably af interest in moving to russia. but how many americans then or now want to quote fight russia? a a very small v group. but adam schiff said it out the time in the houseon of representatives we don t arm ukraine so we can help the ukrainian. they re merely unfortunate pawns in all of this . we arm ukraine so that we can punish russia. why for stealing hillary clinton s coronation if only wee had taken adam schiff seriously as he said it again and again and again. but now we can t help but take adam schiff seriously becauses he s one of the prime movers of this war. adam schiff spent this weekend w in eastern europe checking on the progress of the war.h he has done so much to bringth about. he traveled there with nancyy pelosi and a number ofna other f the most conspiracy minded democrats in congress. these are the
vietnam to improve the civil rights record. he commanded a swift boat patrol in the river in the vietnam war. china landing an unmanned probe on the moon. and the probe s lunar rover will spend three months exploring the moon s surface. iowa ran, another successful space mission and this time with a monkey on board. it is the second time they blasted one in spaes and have to return safely. there could be a development of rockets that couldnuclear war h and spain, a sea of red in holiday chore, at lost 6,000 runners all dressed as santa and taking part in a fund-raising marathon in madrid and will
relief package for the victims next monday president obama will be sworn into office for his second presidential term, and we continue our look back at great inaugural moments. here is the first president who was born in the 20th century, john f. kennedy. let the word go forth from this time and place to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of americans born in this century, tempered by war h disciplined by a hard and bitter
people in the pakistan government and he urged us not to tar them all with the same brush. shepard: what about congress? at least one lawmaker is planning to introduce legislation to cut pakistan s funding, we give them billions. guest: a texas republican wants, will introduce legislation to force the administration to prove pakistan was not harboring osama bin laden and white house counterterrorism director brennan says there is a lot of back and forth between washington and islamabad right now about how he was able to hide in blaine sight but no one is talking about cutting off aid. shepard: thank you, wendell. clearly, osama bin laden was the target but there are questions now if a real pay off could come from what they learned in there. we will bring in two men from the senate intelligence committee to try to find out if some of the information in osama bin laden s pad could help us with the greater war.@=h