you buy sugar, when you go out and you buy flour, when you buy anything, cotton, your clothes, when you buy it, you have to understand that we re devaluing our money. we re devaluing the money overcease as well, but also here. the only thing that s real, no longer what is supposedly in these treasury bonds. it s sugar, it s wheat. it s corn. bill: so you put it in your mouth, it goes up in price. what you re seeing at the gas pump, because we re devaluing our currency. bill: okay. we ll get to gas in a minute. but the world has nowhere else to go but to the dollar. it can t go to the euro or any other currency. the imf will go to a new global currency. china talked about it. russia talked about it. bill: in what period of time do you believe that will take place? i think it s only i think you have to wait to see what happens in the middle east. we have war gamed it. i talked to experts. the moment anybody starts to dump our treasuries, the moment
in this country. glenn: all right. i m going to have brad go to the next level and have him show you what these people in some of the books here are planning and what they re telling people to do. again, not to have you do anything other than to know it, to do your own research, to find out if you believe it to be true, if they re doing this. and so you can prepare. fear, panic, is on day 15. panic is what gets you. fear is what gets you. when you know it, when you see it coming and you prepare, no need to panic. that s our goal tonight. we ll be right back in just a minute. ifs are
probably, it s the value of most global assets in the world have been driven up by leveraged and hypothecated money. collapses in equities or real estate are markets finding their own value. glenn: it s gravity. okay. then the imf and g20 meet. a total restructure of debt. this is a big day. after this happens, this is a big day because spooky dude has his new world order. total restructure. a new global order. explain what this is. there s a lot of debt in the world amongst western europe and the united states. massive. it s an amount of debt that can never be repaid. so we get to the point where basically you it s glenn: clear off the chips off the table. eightse it s a what happens in a bankruptcy. glenn: this is on global television on different channels
a big downturn in the financial markets. that s when you hit. and from the coming insurrection, you go to the abc s of revolution manual, another book that you have there, that s where it gets scary. glenn: explain. it s all about the way to do it. it is a take no prisoners, kill all the hostages, go into neighborhoods, burn them to the ground, particularly focus on the churches and places of worship to people have no place to go for spiritual refuge and guidance. but they re encouraging people glenn: brad, you have war gamed, you have written novels your job is to come up with spooky scenarios. when i first read this two years ago, this is the spookiest damn book i ve ever read two years ago. it is destroy anything good. it s evil.
a survival guide for the rise of the new world order. that doesn t sound happy to me. day damon is here. you line out hi, how are you? good to see you again. glenn: you line out a 15-day calendar her. china it starts with china says no more bonds. at the end, it s life as you understand it. i mean business and money and everything else as we understand it. it s totally different. two weeks later, right? yes. glenn: all right. america, i want you to see damon s actually not unreasonable. i had a guy say it would happen in three days. three. you ve taken a whole 15. the key is when does it catch up to you? now, let s start with this, china says no more bonds. show me how because this is the premises, the trigger.