A war with a Brutal War With Hamas In The South who Haveno Cetaken 134 innocent men, women, and babies. And if we went allout war with mean a hugetu regional War Everybody Wouldal have been drugged into. Ir ani actually think iran isi th Nazi Germany of the 1930s. I think the world will eventually have to deal with iran. Enough with this attitude of appeasing them here they will not be appeased. These are fundamentalist who want to push The Wall back 500it years. Thsooner or later, they threaten the entire free world. At the moment, they start withy israel, but they make it very i srclear, israel is the little satan and americas the Big Satan and they talk about it clearly. A so, at the moment, maybe time for regional war because that may have escalated to that, but i think eventually we will get there. But the administration thinks we will get there or not, it is