the media. check the stats. tucker: so great. the reporter says, well, peoplec of color are concerned about your crime. becauspolicies because, of cour, being a white liberal, allw white liberal. ight t no, if they know one thing that they have a right to speak for, quote, peoplquote, pe of color,o people of color, something, they really do, bubut for on behalf of people of color. kari lak se o like you stop saying tht really what people call if you talk to you, republicans, all! all republicans running for office should watch that video. republicans, running for, yo office, you watch that video. but in the end, you don t need i to convince people that crime too. is real because they live here to crime is everywhere in new york , crime on public transit is up more than 40% and not just pickpocketing. now, this is this video we rew it just to show you is not an aberration necessarily. t soit just so happens it was ee caught on tape. but this is exactly the reason
large , diverse cities are see t lawless. what we see herehe is th same e same old playbook, which is about coded and racist message. . it s about blaming the biggest city in pennsylvania, the moste diverse population for havingfo the same nationarl struggle thau we have with gun violence everywhere. oh shut up,diversity, racism, adversity, racism. shut up, shut up. shu. shut. e do you have another whit e liberal deputize ing himself to speak for people of color? against his political opponents? have you figured out how this works? you getting tired of it yet? t hi e you gettt yet?voters are gettd of this. so tired of of it that even some democrats have started to figure outt want actually maybe voters don t want to be shot,caa or carjackedtt and attackede it morally if they don t like it. for thhochul, who is in part responsible for the risinge w crime in new york , is now running last ditch adss promising to fight crime. oh, really? promising tokathy hochul.
she s still free.he in fact, she s the treasury secretary. and you yocretary.u get poorer. but we have a solution. you seem to have more abortions .sellin that s what she said.g. that s the message they re selling. tand maybe not surprisingly, it doesn t work. that s not what voters w has wantso what do voters want? what do they care about? well, if you, they look at the i they care about exactly whatso e you d expect them to carey e about, which is the quality ofch their own lives. soey car they care about the ecy and they care about crime. this is veryth o obvious. y you don t even need to look atti polling to know but every poll showsimum ito with maximum clarity. o how does the media respond to t us ?they ve done well, of course, doing their job, they ve done imize both possible to minimize both issues, the economy r and crime. they ve told us thece economy is not in a recession. no, not one . of course, by every measure, it is very much in a recession and on crim
so how should republicans respond to that? what we have video evidence. here s carrie lake, who s running for governor in arizona, deftly swatting awayngm that somehow people of color a reporter s claim that somehow people of color like crime. watch ot o. of peopl a lot of people of color feel like there are a lot of people of color, a lot of people. t th how many peoplate of color havea you talked to about that? i mean, if you look at surveys ,which surveys?ppy to loo i m happy to i m happy to look at those stats because. i will tell you this, that i talk to people of color. jutalk to althey re l arizonans they re all concerned about the crime just becausent y your skin isn t the same color t as yours doesn t mean you want your kids to be walking down the street in an unsafey arizonn neighborhood. every arizonan wants safet wantn and security in their neighborhood. it doesn t matte r whatll your skin color is . and i and if you look at stats,n you look and see that thattargep poli
thseatpennsylvania. so dr. oz .com. we r well, please give me some support against them, but we re going to wine mentione on the issues. just like all the republicans that you ve mentioned today, the debate we re havind tothe dh tomorrow night s going to reinforce john fetterman radical positions, the momentum we have is a direct response ofe focusing on kitchen table table issues, crime, drugs, both issues, crime, drugs. order, and we ve mentioned both with the border and , of course, the economy. cused oneveryone s focused on .r although if you re in are philadelphia right now, you re worried abou leavingt your life be and companies are leaving big chains, leaving the city ebecause they re done with thesn experiment. i got t to as likk you and i i m sure you don t like to go to motive, but it s just it s amazing to me. one hundred and seven thousand americans die ofg drug lords last year. and here s a guy promoting drugd legalization when we kno ow it o will result in more deaths