in secret service prostitution scandal and growing disgust on capitol hill. lawmakers say expect more secret service employees to resign or be fired soon, and the more details congress learns about a night of heavy drinking and hiring escorts in columbia, the more outrage. it is a stunning thing, actually disgusting. those people that are responsible have brought disgrace and it is disgusting. people that are here to protect the president, they go to columbia, have a fight over a prostitute over how much to be paid? that s either very stupid or total lack of common sense. congressional correspondent dana bash is on the hill. what are we learning? reporter: the idea of whether or not the rest of the 11 secret service members are going to go, is a big question. i talked to lawmakers that say their sense is the answer is yes, and their sense is because they have been talking to the secret service director, but it is an open question when that will happen. the understandi