Musician Alex Boyé on Staying Positive Through Fear, Failure, and This Tumultuous Year
When the pandemic hit, everything came to a halt. About $250,000 worth of contracts and work suddenly went up in smoke for musician Alex Boyé, and he was stuck with nothing he could do about it.
“Then I thought, OK, well what can I do right now, in this situation where all of my friends and family are going through a hard time, what can I do for my community with just whatever gifts that I have?” Boyé said. He is at his core a musician and entertainer, so he threw out the idea of quarantine concerts online. Boyé said anyone could nominate a friend or family member, and he would show up with his own sound system and give a concert six feet away from their doorstep. He wasn’t sure who would take him up on the offer when he made it.