March 08, 2021
Malaysian artist Wani Ardy.
KUALA LUMPUR - Thursday (March 4) - When she was 17, Malaysian writer and performer Wani Ardy consulted doctor after doctor when she failed to begin menstruating. They all told her the same thing: she did not have a uterus.
Twenty years later, Wani remembers how the diagnosis baffled doctors and left her unable to relate to her peers.
“As a teenager, I felt very isolated because at that moment, I knew I was different,” she said.
It wasn’t until her 20s that Wani finally learned that her rare condition had a name - Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome (MRKH) - when internal sex organs such as the womb or the vagina are either absent or underdeveloped at birth.