Decked out in a miniature helmet, Liu Zhihao slips on the ice and picks himself up with a bashful smile, as the nine-year-old boy zooms around a packed indoor rink on ice skates in east China s Jiangsu Province.
Decked out in a stylish snowsuit and ski goggles, 32-year-old Li Yang leisurely roamed around and sampled the heady pleasures after hurtling down the slope at a ski resort in the eastern Chinese city of Huai an.
Decked out in a stylish snowsuit and ski goggles, 32-year-old Li Yang certainly looked the part as she hurtled down a slope at a ski resort in the city of Huai'an, East China's Jiangsu province.
Decked out in a stylish snowsuit and ski goggles, 32-year-old Li Yang certainly looked the part as she hurtled down a slope at a ski resort in the city of Huai'an, East China's Jiangsu province.