Tama Martial Arts proudly hosted a thrilling and competitive Kids Karate Tournament, featuring the participation of approximately 10 esteemed martial arts schools from the region.
BRUCE DALE PIERCE, 74, of Goodrich, formerly of Indianapolis, Indiana, died Friday, January 6, 2023. Bruce was born May 20, 1948 in Dayton, Ohio, to Lyle and Dorothy (Snyder) Pierce. Bruce graduated in 1966 from Walter E. Stebbins High School in Dayton, Ohio. He started his career as a draftsman for Price Brothers Company in
BRUCE DALE PIERCE, 74, of Goodrich, formerly of Indianapolis, Indiana, died Friday, January 6, 2023. Bruce was born May 20, 1948 in Dayton, Ohio, to Lyle and Dorothy (Snyder) Pierce. Bruce graduated in 1966 from Walter E. Stebbins High School in Dayton, Ohio. He started his career as a draftsman for Price Brothers Company in