states, including california, oregon, virginia, washington state, delaware, maryland, a great many others, permit independent corporate expenditures for these purposes? a lot is spent on money for elections in california. have corporations corrupt the process there? i think some experiences cannot be more important than the 100-year-old dutchman of congress that these expenditures would 100-year-old judgment of congress that these expenditures would cause corruption. congress has their own interests. . . in fact, corporate and union money go o in fact, corporate and union incumbents. this may be the single most if you look at the last election cycle and look at corporate pac money and ask where it goes, it goes ten times more to incumbents than to challengers. and in the prior election cycle, even more than that. and for an obvious reason. because when corporations play in the political process, they want winners. they want people who will produce outcomes for them. a
a little sailing song. as the son of ason of a sailor i went out on the sea for adventure as a dreamer of dreams and a traveling man i have chalked up many a mile read dozens of books about heroes and crooks son ifof a son son og af a son of a sailor southeast of disorder you could shake the hand of the mango man as he greets you at the border the lady, she hails from trinidad cinnamon sweet the rum is for all your good vices we ride on the wind that our forefathers hardest before us it is the son of a son of a gun . . so where this all ends, i can t fathom my friends if i knew i just might toss out my anchor but i ll cruise along always searching for something still the son of a son, son of a son, son of a son of a sailor d.c. is in my veins, my tradition remains i m just glad i don t live in a trailer. trailer [applause] thank you walter. we are here to celebrate the life of walter cronkite. this has been a sad summer in the history of cbs