to share with the world? get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! sabrina s second trial began on december 14th, 1995. in court, clive fought to have some of the most damning evidence deemed inadmissible, including photos of walter junior s body. pictures are one of the most underestimated aspects of any capital trial. no human being can look at pictures of a dead baby and not be immensely moved emotionally. you ask people before you show them the pictures, you know, do
but if you can t rule out that there s that totally innocent explanation for what happened, then you surely can t convict someone and sentence them to death. to help refute the conclusions in walter junior s autopsy, clive hired chris sperry, the chief medical examiner of georgia. i had requested to look at photographs, look at autopsy tissue slides, things like that, that are really routinely part of an autopsy. and unfortunately much of that really was not available and never did become available. i think that just underscores some of the really half-baked way in which the case was approached from a pathology perspective. the state s autopsy had found cysts on walter junior s kidneys and bruising on his right lower chest, attributed to a single or multiple blows. this is the way the system in mississippi was set up. there were no investigations