Clockwise from top left: Priceless (Screengrab); 2 Days In Paris (Screengrab); Jeffrey (Screengrab); Something’s Gotta Give (Screengrab); The Big Sick (Amazon/Lionsgate); My Man Godfrey (Screengrab)
Streaming libraries expand and contract. Algorithms are imperfect. Those damn thumbnail images are always changing. But you know what you can always rely on? The expert opinions and knowledgeable commentary of
The A.V. Club. That’s why we’re scouring both the menus of the most popular services and our own archives to bring you these guides to the best viewing options, broken down by streamer, medium, and genre. Want to know why we’re so keen on a particular movie? Click the title at the top of each slide for some in-depth coverage from
The best journalism movies to watch this Christmas: From Spotlight to The Great Muppet Caper
Christmas 2020 may have put a spanner in many of our usual festive plans, but there is one traditional thing we can all still do: sit on the sofa and watch endless movies for a week.
But they don’t all have to be saccharine fests of snow, carols and kissing under the mistletoe.
If you’re lucky enough not to be in the newsroom between Christmas and New Year, it can be the perfect time to rewatch old favourites and finally catch up with classics that have so far passed you by.