BEDFORD - The Lawrence County Commissioner Tuesday morning voted to allow Alison Kern to continue to serve on the Mitchell Library Board. Lawrence County Commissioners right to left Wally Branham, President Dustin Gabhart, Rodney Fish. They also voted to sign a letter of support for Jackson Coun .
BEDFORD - Heather Flynn, executive director of the Stone City Alliance for Recovery and Hope, Inc.Men’s Warming Shelter requested $30,000 to help support the facility's operating expenses during the commissioners' meeting Tuesday morning. The commissioners took that request under advis .
BEDFORD - The Lawrence County Commissioners approved a contract Tuesday morning to allow AT&T to expand broadband in Lawrence County. The commissioners have been consulting with Morley Corporation on possible routes to expand broadband services throughout the county. The company specializes .
BEDFORD - The Lawrence County Highway Department is down four employees, according to Highway Superintendent Brandi Webb. Brandi Webb "We are down three truck drivers and a mechanic," added Webb. "We are having a problem getting applicants." Commissioners Wally Branham and Co .
LAWRENCE CO. - Thursday morning members of the Lawrence County Redevelopment Commission approved the next steps toward constructing a $5.2 million shell building in Mitchell's Industrial Park to bring business to Lawrence County. The 50,400-square-foot building could be expanded to 200,000 .