“We got weights in fish!” The world of competitive fishing is up in arms over a scandal that saw two fishermen accused of weighing down their catch with lead
Fish from three Tennessee reservoirs have been placed under a precautionary consumption advisory by the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation.
there s a mass of oil coming. absolutely. we know this works. this isn t theatrical. this oil will cause real damage. environmental groups have raised doubts about the effectiveness of this berm project. federal officials have approved it. they just have a problem of where the current sediment is coming from. do you think folks in washington don t get this? i think there s a lot of rhetoric going around. they say we re fighting the war. we are doing everything. does it look like we re doing everything? does this look like we re doing everything? this isn t doing everything. this is bureaucratic bull. it s not even a good reason. we got locals who say these guys are crazy. we haven t had walleye fish in 50 years. they re gone. they say we can t put nothing back because it might hurt what s there. that s why the breeding grounds are so far inland where the oil is destroying it now. billy nungesser brought a group of reporters to the island today, hoping to put pressure on the