somewhere else. he should be here. martha: tell me something, why are republicans and why is wall street so against this appointment and this consumer watch dog agency? isn t it a good idea to have somebody looking out for consumers and making sure banks and credit cards don t, don t, you know, allow fraud against people? first, martha, let me set the record straight. i don t believe wall street is against this. wall street, i was involved in the legislation when we were deal with it last year but wall street never really had a real strong voice against the consumer agency. this is a myth that the president is talking about. what we re talking about is main street. this is going to affect main street. it is going to affect small businesses, small bankers and everything else. this is one of the worst pieces of legislation that has been passed in the last 50 years here in washington. martha: what is wrong with it? what is wrong with it? what is wrong with it?
more regulations. what we need is jobs in this country, not regulations that make no sense that will stifle the economy. martha: all right. senator shelby, thank you very much. thank you. martha: for talking to us today. it is an important issue and the president will be speaking about quite a bit in the coming days and today in kansas as well. glad to hear your side of it thank y very much. bill: we ll see how that goes. watching wall street and what is happening overseas to see how that affects us. it is up 22 points. it is early. we re up over 12,000. nasa. announcer:s an out of this world nasa announces a discover i in deep space. why they are so much like earth. it is 72 and sunney. we re not making that up. martha: really? that sin credible. this one will get really interesting, folks. newt versus nancy in the battle of the former house speakers. pelosi says she has dirt on newt. now the presidential candidate is firing fire
maine, where he may be now or at least in the area. investigatetores are creating roadblocks and executing search warrants. two homes belonging to relatives in nearby sanford, including a cabin. this cabin right here belongs to his father, again, who was arrested on friday for hindering apprehension by helping his son and leaving him supplies. he has since been released on bail. right now, there is a $500 reward being offered to anyone to can assist the u.s. marshal s service catching this guy. we ll stay on top of the latest developments. wow, quite a story. julie, thank you very much. bill: a lot of nervous folks there. martha: yeah. bill: the white house making a push for a new consumer watchdog. the wall street sup in articles over that. what is the problem you wonder? we ll tell you. martha: less than 28 days and counting, bill,? the big day in iowa, the first election in the nation but the iowa voters showing they have really not made up their minds at all yet.
gingrich beats romney romney in every category including electability. bill: they are interesting findings. iowa could be a different picture than new hampshire. that s why we watch. byron, good to have you today. thank you, bill. bill: byron york in washington. martha: well it is the white house versus the gop and wall street and president obama is going all-out to push the unlikely confirmation of a man named richard cordray. he has been nominated to head this big new consumer watchdog agency that was created to right all the wrongs of the financial institutions that hit us so hard back in 2008. but 45 republican senators already said they are pledged to block this confirmation. so that makes a filibuster for democrats highly unlikely. but the whole thing does provide the president with a way to say that the gop is protecting wall street which has been a major point of his re-election effort. he will go on a huge media