This morning there were signs it could be happening again. The Wall Street Jurm reported that Big Tech Companies are using their power to silence certain political views. Both google and Web Hosting Service go daddy stopped providing Hosting Support for Daily Storm Area White Supremacist website. The Hotel Website airbnb announced it will perm nernt in any eventually ban White Supremacists from booking booking rooms. Pay pal wont let them use the payment platform. No one is weeping for the daily stormer, mentioning their name probably got us written up as dangerous alt right sub investigatives. Theres a principle at stake and is worth defending. We should be concerned by the prospect of big Companies Using their power to enforce ideological conformity when it seems to affect people we dont like as it does now. Especially now we should be concerned. Support for Free Expression seems to be fading on the left
point. Its proof of how robust that right is. Tech companies arent the governmen
the inquirer always been on president trump s side when he was think being running he was there to ballyhoo it and then when the campaign kicked in there to take his side against certain rivals in the republican primary and finally the story that is really broken out now, though this was first written about about the wall street jurm in the final days of the campaign, a few days before election day, that in fact the inquiry bought and buried a story from a woman, karen mcdougal who alleges to have had an affair with the president. let s go back to the meeting in july in the white house. david pecker is there and he gets a plus one and he brings a friend businessman with him. what is the significance of his attendance at that meeting in the white house. he got a plus five or ten. he brought this business man named kasie grime a french citizen but with relationships in saudi arabia with elites like the prince who has positions in
possibility until the president played coy in the wall street journal interview. today the white house remained equally noncommittal. has the president spoken with kim jong-un the north korean leader? we don t have a comment on that in terms of whether is it possible? that it happened? it has we do not have a comment on that right now. trace: remember, mr. trump talked about fire and if you are fury against north koreans. no idea if this is the president floating a trial balloon. the president went out of his way to offer the man he called short and fat, diplomatic cookie. question in the wall street jurm, some people would say your tweets, which are sometimes combative towards kim jong-un. from the president, sure, you see that a lot with me. then all of a sudden? is my best friend. part of that flexibility we ve seen from the president,
president donald j. trump. any claims that voter data from any other source played a key role in the victory are false. pam, would this be of interest to investigators for collusion? sources i ve spoken to say yes. they say that the idea that the data firm reached out to wikileaks alone does not mean a crime occurred at face value, but as one fbi official told me today, what it shows is an intent to go beyond normal proactive campaign tactics. and investigators would use this bit of information to see if there was any coordination, whether there was anyone from the trump campaign who was intimately involved. as i said, the intent and mind-set and whether there was any sort of conspiracy. you include this piece of a puzzle to roger stone, an advisory telling the hill he had an intermediary who connected him with as sang. he also was briefly in touch with an intelligence offer online. and then according to the wall street jurm there was an effort by opposition research working
have doubled. others note congress has the power of the purse and these payments were never authorized. we knew these were unconstitutional when you look at the way the affordable care act was written. but the administration did it anyway which they had a habit of taking that action, doing what they wanted to do. it is not clear if this will be the action forcing all involved to the negotiating table. shepard: let s turn to aaron vintner, from the wall street jurm, a company with which fox news shares common ownership. good to be with you. in con sense this is president trump doing what he was elected to do. the people who voted for him wanted to end obamacare and they voted for the president because they thought he would be a disruptive force who would change the way business is done in washington. the president couldn t get what he wanted from congress on obamacare hearing s taking two actions.