the obstruction charges, though, that s much more basic. people can understand that. what donald trump told the national archives, i ve given you everything and then doj comes back and says, i think you have more. he says, okay, now, i ve given you everything in may. and they say, no, i think you have more and they come and find a lot more. that s pretty basic. either you told the truth or you didn t. so people can grasp that. people can understand that. that s something that is much more, i think, concrete. if the doj says, look, we re not going to quibble about classification. but you can t lie to us and a grand lure. that s the danger zone at this point. joe thank you for your analysis. today is the day that many wall street firms have targeted for employees to return to the office full time but that s not what some workers want. cnn s vanessa yurkevich is here.
Investors are now waiting for minutes from the Fed's meeting in June on Wednesday as they brace for another 75 basis point hike at the end of the month.
carley: scary new statistics shows u.s. heading toward imminent recession. federal reserve tries to tame the hottest inflation in four decades. cheryl casone will break down the numbers. cheryl: good morning, this closely watched gauge on the economy flashing a red warning sign. according to a report from the federal reserve, country is on its way to recession. a recession is two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth, several wall street firms, several big banks are forecasting a possible recession, one big reason we ve seen wall street selling off so feverishly over the last few sessions. carley: ron desantis v president biden. if you could give me a time