the tax cut went into place 11 months ago. any economist that s doing the work and being honest, it takes about 18 months for that to filter through the system. if you re making the point there was an immediate impact for american large korncorporations wall street, 100% true. but you have been successful, you re a harvard guy, a wall street guy. if it is not getting out there, i am going to let you finish you re missing an element. the washington post, tax cuts not leading to business investment, headline. trump tax cuts fail to spark investment boom. the wait goes on for business investment boom that republicans promised this corporate tax cut would unleash. if it is not happening now, are you guys, are the republicans running tuesday saying trust us, it will happen at some later date in the future? i m saying there s a lag effect of 18 months, there s a little disingenuousness. i didn t read the article. someone doing their economic homework would say listen, you