Author of the article: Submitted
Publishing date: Jan 11, 2021 • January 11, 2021 • 1 minute read • The Walker House is inviting the community to support their Walker House Capital Campaign. The Ontario Government showed their support with a Rural Economic Development (RED) grant in the amount of $27,676.83. L-R: Graham Mahood, president of the Paddy Walker Heritage Society, Sylvia Leigh, secretary of the Paddy Walker Heritage Society amd Avis Dalgarno, capital campaign committee with Lisa Thompson, MPP Huron-Bruce. Hannah MacLeod/Kincardine News jpg, KC
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As the pandemic drags on, we are all feeling the loss of many of our usual pursuits: family gatherings, concerts, plays, games and travel to name a few. We also need to make sure that our favourite businesses and arts venues are still around when life returns to normal. Here’s an idea: since you can’t go on that cruise, or travel to an exotic location this winter, why not donate some of