P it means our Justice System pwill be letter with appeal pafter appeal and our plegislators will have to get to pwork. P reporter nothing brings pthe death of hope for a seismic pruling by the us Supreme Court. P man everyone will file an pappeal. Pnow they have found the death enalty procedures punconstitutional, that mean for pdeath row inmates i convicted pcop killer dante morris, sniffs pthat three times by judge . P in this particular psituation, four. Pi think you will have three psentences, actually, with the pand sentencing phase going pcorrectly. P it also goes for ever pcoming to. Phe will likely appeal his pessence as well. Pthis is just the tip of the piceberg. 390 inmates set of pfloridas death row with nearly p80 from the bay area. P every one of them will file pan appeal, is right now, we do pnot know how the court will prule as it applies to certain pindividual cases. P in the 16 page of any, the pjustices run our constitution, pour system of law, is evolving, pflorida
Pviolates the sixth amendment, pand that is unconstitutional. Pthis. P will happen with the nearly p400 inmates we have a floater pand how . Pwill happen. P man everyone will file an pappeal because we dont know phow the court will rule in pcertain individual cases x the preally now puts the ball in the plegislatures court. Man pthe legislature is obligated to pstep 40 come up with a preasonable solution. Pwhat is important is this is a roblem we can fix. P as for the bone case, the pSupreme Courts decision would pnot make a racist white have pa jury decide whether or not he preceived the Death Penalty or pnot. P that may not make be the pcase on hundreds of death row pinmates. P what does this mean for pdante morris and others on pdeath row . Pwe will explore that part of pthe story tonight at 6 00. P, becky. P linda . Very interesting. Pthank you. P we have a new sort of the ersian gulf were too small pmaybe boats are being held by i prun. Passurances that the 10 sailors pof boats wi