Source: New Zealand Transport Agency
The first vehicles in five months have driven safely through the Mangamuka Gorge on State Highway 1, five months after it was closed by slips in a 1-in-500 year rain event.
The road opened just after midday today, and will be open for just over three weeks over Christmas to allow the local community and holidaymakers to take the shortest route to Kaitaia and the Far North.
“Opening the road is a great achievement for our road repair crews. They’ve worked double shifts to a tight deadline in trying conditions to make this happen. Now they can take a rest while the people of the Far North and holidaymakers from further south take advantage of their work,” says Waka Kotahi Northland System Manager Jacqui Hori-Hoult.
Press Release – New Zealand Transport Agency The first vehicles in five months have driven safely through the Mangamuka Gorge on State Highway 1, five months after it was closed by slips in a 1-in-500 year rain event. The road opened just after midday today, and will be open for just over three …
The first vehicles in five months have driven safely through the Mangamuka Gorge on State Highway 1, five months after it was closed by slips in a 1-in-500 year rain event.
The road opened just after midday today, and will be open for just over three weeks over Christmas to allow the local community and holidaymakers to take the shortest route to Kaitaia and the Far North.
Press Release – New Zealand Transport Agency The first vehicles in five months have driven safely through the Mangamuka Gorge on State Highway 1, five months after it was closed by slips in a 1-in-500 year rain event. The road opened just after midday today, and will be open for just over three …
The first vehicles in five months have driven safely through the Mangamuka Gorge on State Highway 1, five months after it was closed by slips in a 1-in-500 year rain event.
The road opened just after midday today, and will be open for just over three weeks over Christmas to allow the local community and holidaymakers to take the shortest route to Kaitaia and the Far North.
Traffic chaos on SH1 in Whangārei due to roadworks
15 Dec, 2020 04:00 PM
4 minutes to read
It took commuters up to 90 minutes to travel from Whangārei to Ruakaka and vice versa as a result of the lowered speed limit on State Highway 1. Photo / Tania Whyte
It took commuters up to 90 minutes to travel from Whangārei to Ruakaka and vice versa as a result of the lowered speed limit on State Highway 1. Photo / Tania Whyte
Imran Ali is a reporter for the Northern
A lower speed limit following overnight road resurfacing has caused major delays for commuter traffic on State Highway 1 south of Whangārei and motorists are being advised to plan ahead during the festive season.