Hypothetical models of a dam fail on a proposed reservoir would flood large parts of the Wairarapa valley, but engineers are confident it will never happen.
Press Release – Rangitane o Wairarapa Wairarapa iwi Rangitne o Wairarapa stand with the Wairarapa Community and welcome their peaceful protests at Greater Wellington Regional Council Masterton today. We share their concerns around the environmental, cultural and economic impacts of this …
Wairarapa iwi Rangitāne o Wairarapa stand with the Wairarapa Community and welcome their peaceful protests at Greater Wellington Regional Council Masterton today. We share their concerns around the environmental, cultural and economic impacts of this project, and we stand with them in calling for a better process from Wairarapa Water Limited.
Content Sourced from scoop.co.nz
Report from LDR
More than 40 protestors marched through Masterton today, protesting against a dam being proposed for the Wairarapa. The campaigners, from a range of local environmental groups, met outside the Wellington Regional Council’s Wairarapa office, joined in opposition to the Wakamoekau community water storage scheme.
A Wairarapa iwi has also raised concerns over the multi-million dollar dam project. Rangitāne o Wairarapa leaders have criticised the company behind the water storage scheme [WCWSS], saying the scheme proposed for near Masterton lacked an assessment of its cultural impact, and had yet to conduct public consultation.
Wairarapa Water Ltd [WWL] is the driving force behind the scheme. Formed in 2017, the company adopted work started by the Regional Council, among other stakeholders on “water security” in the upper Ruamahanga river network.
A Wairarapa iwi has raised its concerns over a multi-million dollar dam project in the area.
The proposed site for the Wakamoekau community water storage scheme, northwest of Masterton.
Rangitāne o Wairarapa leaders have criticised the company behind the Wakamoekau community water storage scheme [WCWSS], saying the scheme proposed for near Masterton lacked an assessment of its cultural impact, and had yet to conduct public consultation.
Wairarapa Water Ltd [WWL] is the driving force behind the scheme. Formed in 2017, the company adopted work started by Greater Wellington Regional Council, among other stakeholders on water security in the upper Ruamahanga river network.
Press Release – Choose Clean Water Freshwater campaigners say Wairarapa iwi Rangitne o Wairarapa statement released today highlighting their concerns around Wairarapa Water Ltds rushed time frames and incorrect information is an important warning bell for the public and politicians. …
Freshwater campaigners say Wairarapa iwi Rangitāne o Wairarapa statement released today highlighting their concerns around Wairarapa Water Ltd’s “rushed time frames and incorrect information” is an important warning bell for the public and politicians.
“We support Rangitāne o Wairarapa in raising their concerns around Wairarapa Water Ltd’s bad science and poor process.,” says Choose Clean Water spokesperson Marnie Prickett.