Monday, 5 April 2021, 4:59 am
The Environment Court has recently closed the application
of Forest & Bird Society that sought to reintroduce Hutt
City Council’s withdrawn proposal for Plan Change 46. The
proposed plan change was to apply restrictive “Significant
Natural Area” restrictions on over 1200 private properties
in Lower Hutt under s.6C of the Resource Management Act
1991. The failure of the Forest and Bird application
confirms and reinforces the Council’s 2018 eventual
decision to work collaboratively with private property
owners and support their efforts to protect and enhance
indigenous biodiversity after an extended period of dispute
with local landowners.
Since the Plan Change 46
Monday, 5 April 2021, 4:59 am | Wainuiomata Rural Community Association Inc The Environment Court has recently closed the application of Forest & Bird
Society that sought to reintroduce Hutt City Council’s withdrawn proposal for Plan
Change 46. The proposed plan change was to apply restrictive “Significant Natural . More