A historic Waitangi Tribunal report expected to call for the return of all Crown-owned land across much of Northland will be handed over to the country's largest iwi this morning.
Hope for Northland couple waiting to go home eight months after flood
15 Mar, 2021 05:00 PM
5 minutes to read
Shirley and Joe Reti with cat Mangu and one of 13 chickens at their flood-damaged home in Waikare Valley, east of Kawakawa. Photo / Peter de Graaf
Shirley and Joe Reti with cat Mangu and one of 13 chickens at their flood-damaged home in Waikare Valley, east of Kawakawa. Photo / Peter de Graaf
Peter de Graaf is a reporter for the Northern Advocatepeter.degraaf@northernadvocate.co.nznorthernadvocat
There s light at the end of the tunnel for a Northland couple whose home was trashed by floods eight months ago.