the new york times. he has been on the story. he joins us tonight. mr. greenhouse, good to have you with us. nice to be here, ed. the sciu and workers recently had a protest which the mayor called the largest labor demonstration in pittsburgh in 20 years, going back to the issues with the steel industry. did this get a lot of attention? will it have an impact on the medical center? ed, i think it got a lot of attention in pittsburgh. it did not get a lot of attention nationwide. what the they re doing in pittsburgh is kind of novel. it s kind of innovative. they re trying to mount a huge amount of pressure on this huge hospital system with 62,000 employees and 22 hospitals to try to pressure them to raise their wage floor to $15 an hour from $11 an hour. nationwide they re trying to make this whole idea of a $15 an hour minimum acceptable. it s doing that by pushing the fast food campaign.
welcome back to the head show. the wage gap in america is growing, and more women in this country are falling behind. now, i want to show you who s on your side. this is the senate floor live right now. this is senator brown from ohio. if you re a woman, he s on your side. he s talking about minimum wage and what is out there in america right now and what we have to do. republicans are doing nothing to prevent these numbers going in the wrong direction. a new white house report says raising the wage floor would benefit women the most in america. but republicans refusing to raise the minimum wage, they re waging a war on women. what i ve long said is that waging the minimum wage destroys jobs. what americans are asking is where are the jobs and the president wants to make it harder for people to find one. it really makes no sense at all. 55% of the workers who would benefit from increasing minimum
business has a responsibility here to hire at a decent wage. they can afford it. walmart knows they can afford this. they spend billions buying back shares of their own stocks, which really benefits shareholders and ceo pay. they know they can afford this. and they don t have to raise prices to afford this increase. well, i mean, just i ll explain, wages have been stagnant around the decline in this country for a long time, even before the economic recession hit. from 2012, for the bottom 60% of america s workforce, wages were stagnant around the decline. one of the key reasons why was because our wage floor has badly eroded, because it has not kept pace with inflation. and i think gap s announcement is as much a response to the momentum that s out there to raise wages. i mean, it s, you know, in response to the fact that we ve seen this tremendous decline at the bottom and this increase at the very top. and i think in the ideal world, you can say, yes,
one of the big causes of the gender gap in the united states is that we of all the countries, wealthy countries, have the greatest gap between low-wage jobs and high-wage jobs. and low-wage jobs, you can have two people in the family working a low-wage job and they still won t earn enough to keep them and their kids out of poverty, so we have to do something about establishing a livable wage floor. we have to get better work family policies. we also have to make better arrangements for kids. this is a world where education is so important, and it turns out that preschool and child care are very important to get a child ready for kindergarten. that affects the way they live for the rest of their lives and whether they are going to be able to get good jobs, whether they ll go to college or drop out of college and be saddled with debt and without a job. so we have to invest in that sort of thing, too, as well as be models for young women to tell them, don t count on, you know, being rescu
city. okay. thanks for the heads up. safe travels, mike. the house and senate will be back in session tomorrow, and they re only going to have a few short weeks to address major economic issues because deadlines are looming for a budget deal as well as an extension of emergency unemployment benefits. now gaining traction is the democrat s push for a minimum wage hike. joining me now is jared bernstein, former chief economist for vice president biden, also a senior fellow at the center on budget and policy priorities, and the guy i trust most with my economic questions. i m going to have you blurb my next book. you got it. let s talk about the critics, who have a simple argument against increasing the minimum wage. they say the higher the minimum wage, the fewer employees businesses can hire. what s your response to that? the empirical record largely disproves such a broad, sweeping claim. that s not to say that an increase in the minimum wage doesn t lead to some cutbacks in