seventy majority democrats in that vote actually. joining me now live from capitol hill is fox news senior congressional correspondent c chatgpt graham. d chad, what, if anything, surprise you ? we expected to pass, buta robust by this margin, it was a robust vote for a bill that noon from one liked, a bipartisan coalition frompartie both partis supported the bill, but more democrats supportedhe the bill than gop one hundred forty nine republicans voted yes. one hundred sixty five democrats voted yes. house minority leader hakeem jeffries touted democratic support for the bill earlier today, 29 house republicans voted to defaultagrn on our nation s debt and against an agreement that you negotiated straight magon. republicans attempted to takeate contrompl of the house floor. democrats took it back . the bill now goes to the senate. conservatives are criticizing the bill there. mike leehere rand paul and randt the senate to consider an alternative rather than
challenger, robert kennedy jr., is already polling at 19 and 20% in two separate polls.rate p olnow, in just a moment, by thev way, are okay.e junior will join us live rightje here on this program. we ll ask him about joe biden,lo why biden won t debate him. we ll also ask him abouta this. take a loolook.k. do you believe they murderede ory were involved in the murder of your uncle? would havo e you comepe to te cia? yes, they were definitelymurr involved in the murder. wow. .obert kerobert kennedy jr. wile straight ahead. now, of course, biden s bad week is not t just because of bd polling or a strong challenge from rfq junior. it also doesn t have anything in to do with the insanitity at the southern border with title forty two is now set to expire this thursday. the situation, as we all know,we is completely out of control. we have waves ofave wa illegalvr immigrants now lined up as far as the eye can see, justjuweeken waiting to cross over the weekend. border patr
Yeah, yeah. Had that. Yeah. Go. That feels so good. Well, its friday. You know what that means. Lets welcome tonights guest. Hes engaged, which means soon hell be getting back a second ring. Actor, writer and comedian jamie lissauer. Shes so blunt. You can light her up. And smoker, cohost of the bottom line on fox business. Go. Chances are youre uncle who pays for pictures of her feet. New york times best sellinr fo and Fox News Contributor kat timprk offerf. And he puts free buffets out of business. New york times best selling author, comedian and barber heavyweighyork timt world. Thank you. All right, before we get tow some news stories, lets do this this. Very real. Dovers valley. Its the leftovers where i read the jokes we didnt use thisis week. And as always, its my first time reading them, so they week well, force joe mackey to have unprotected with an ostrich t as if protected would somehow be better. Speaking of todaysed National Endangered Species day ,its the day we celebrate and if we don t get our acwe rt together, we re going to beck riding camels and rickshaws pretty soon. shawas far as the boycotts go , i have an easy solution. t they should have come to mein first because all you got to doe is bring in aoc and haveyour a boycott. your company compa and our sale. when she did that to us, shelest was eating her own. our sales went through the roof. but but seriously, and we made her honorary employee of the year for boosting the thing, for donating four and a half million pounds t of food, working with the with the obamas, working with president trump and saying we were blessed. i us e the word blessed. and that everybody off.tantly,h but more importantlyis, this isn t about boycotts, as curt schilling said . and got d bless his son .er and semper fi, as kurt said ,wa you know, we are in a war.s we what i m saying is we are inar o gowar of good versus evil, good versus welcomeness.
millions of pages of documentsfg ,cia documents of trans of recorded conversations with cuban embassy and in mexico city from i know it s hard to summarize the evidence ,as i said , in that in that podcast, there are confessions e of people that were directly involved in the plot or involved in the planning of the plot. who peripheral to the plot. ot there s a 60 year cover up.wa you know, the warren commission was run by allen dulles, who was the head of the cia when my uncle fired and insinuated himself underomm the warren commission and essentially ran the warren commission and kept hisby evidence from the warren commissioners. either way, in congressater 10 years later investigated coime with much more evidence. and the warrenmm commission hads