president and his cnn host was revisiting the 2020 election. mr. trump refusing once again t admit he lost and repeating his claims that there was widesprea fraud. when you look at that result when you look at what happened during that election, unless yo are very person, you will see what happens may be a couple that don t pay but most people understand what happened. it was a rigged election. the audience made up of registered republicans and undeclared voters and even laughter when he dismissed yesterday s civil jur finding that he sexually abused eugene carroll who accused him of raping her. i have no idea who she is sh is a whack job. on the issues of the day, mr. trump said the biden presidency has been a disaster for the country, especially wit regard to our southern border whereas many others have, he predicted a new flood of immigration with thursday s lifting of pandemic aero restrictions. yet living in central park and new york city. they are swamped lo
for saying she would not lie to parents about if their child wa transitioning the seventh her. it really comes down to the fact of the matter that no teacher should have to lie to parents about anything no teacher should have the light o their students about anything a no teacher should have to lie t themselves and deny their own beliefs and morals to save thei salary. she claims the allocation retaliation because of her beliefs. her religion does not allow her to lie and tend not protect children and to not let the parents during what s going on in their own children s lives therefore she has a serious first amendment damaging her first amendment right to practice up reflection for the because these being prevented from doing those things that she needs to do as religious advocate. trace: 30-second select. they didn t retaliate against
required, but how do you compare the intent that ivanka has as it relates to the hillar situation? first of all there can be no intent. classified information does not go over your normal white house .gov e-mail account.ed there are special servers that are required for those. she had to have the intent to take itt off of those servers a put it on a private server. ivanka sending a few e-mails back and forth about family logistics and planning those kinds of things to government officials while she was transitioningin into office is intense, there s no classified information. every e-mail she sent to a government staffer while she wa transitioning and was automatically captured by the system. to keep mark, that is exactly the point that people are not recognizing. everything she did is captured there. if it were classified and it couldn t have gone through.