chairman of the house ways and means, but congress is not in session. congressman brady is right there in texas, and all of the members are out campaigning and they call it district work periods, and there is no bill written. phil rucker, you can t put a tax cut through congress by resolution. no, you absolutely can t, and congress has to be here to vote on a tax bill, and it is not like they can fly in for one day and vote on tax, and this is one tof the most complicated issues that lawmakers deal with and it could take weeks and months to arrive at a tax cut plan and the only person in washington who seems to know about the plan is president trump himself, and he has limited details, and there is no real information here. and geoff, this is clearly a strategy that the white house thinks is working, and there may be clear evidence that it is working from the polling in terms of the enthusiasm. post kavanaugh, we have seen a rise in the president s numbers up to 46%, and that is a