the fbi and the statefb state department officials, he is getting information from w tm that he sells to his clients. i have the anecdote right in the times when he is talking with bruce ohr, remember his buddy at the department? christopher steele since the dossier to the lawyer for ukraine oligarch, the guy is under indictment. his lawyers trying to help him themawyers trying to help him information about the u.s. government and sources are telling him about the case in the u.s. priority is in ukraine. these are the sort of things at the fbi has not been held to account. and we will learn a lot more about christopher steele. he will be the star witness or the star figure when the fisa report comes out. sean: fascinating. let s go back and let s stay in ukraine for a second. because we know about the millions for zero experience, we know why joe was involved in a real quid pro quo and shook down, and said i ll give you a billion if you fire the guy investigated my son, which did h