"To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to
Bioterrorism is a growing threat, but simply throwing more money atthe problem or creating bigger and more complex bureaucracies isnot the answer. Providing sufficient resources for bioterrorismpreparedness is important, but without the right organization,strategies, and programs, these efforts will be inefficient andwasteful. Congress and the Administration should move to ensurethat the federal government is better organized to meet thechallenge.
(Archived document, may contain errors) 726 September 21,1989 MEETING THl3 THREAT OF BAIHSITC MISSILES INTHETHlRDwom INTR ODUCTION As tenswns mountjiemely between Washington and Th overtheir myriad of accumulatingdisqgreements, dcal Iranian leaders launch a bcruistc missilk, tipped with highly &adly chemica13~ at New Yo& City.
(Archived document, may contain errors) 785 August 24,1990 IF IRAQ USES CHEMICAL WIEZAPONS INTRODUCTION Following the August 2 invasion of Kuwait by Iraq, George Bush ordered American military forces to the Middle East to deter further aggression by the Iraqis.This brought American forces to within range of Iraqi chemical weapons.