lack of prior record and the fact that you did cause a death here. i m going to sentence you to lorraine correctional institution on the underlying offense for six years and to that will be added three years mandatory on the firearms specification for a total sentence of nine years, plus court costs. you do get credit for the time you ve been in jail, and we ll have to calculate that. deputies will have the paperwork done shortly. goodwin will return to jail until his transfer to state prison. but for the vukt victim s mother, nine years is not enough. i was hoping he would get more than nine years. when he go down that road, that s when the real world starts for him. you know what i mean? he s going to get what s coming to him. goodwin thinks prison could be a chance to turn his life around. i didn t have no life expectancy for me when i was out.
think they need to be careful about that. i have to mention this though. you did support roy moore. yes. we know what allegations against him were. he lost. after the allegations came to light. even though before that, he was projected to win and women play a big role in handing him the vukt victory, so it does appear this is playing into voter s minds. pamela, i agree with you. listen, we originally endorsed mo brooks in the primary in that race and we got behind roy moore because it was a choice of who is going to support and push forthe president s jebd of securing the border and tax reform and repeal and replace of obamacare and roy moore was the candidate that was going to do that. i respect the voters of alabama. they absolutely had the information in front of them when they went to the polls. they made their decision. he has not conceded and i think he should concede. but there s a difference there than say with president trump
this is even before racism charges. it was said that it was a clinton campaign poll. that is factually not true. what we know is that mark did famously bring up the cocaine u use. what progressive media was doing was checking whether it would be a huge vukt for obama once he got to the general election. this is a fairly mundane campaign operation here. in january of 2008 paul
even smarter. online scheduling. available now at apologizing in the aftermath of a media fire storm that erupted after she claimed to be a vukt of racism in a posh boutique in switzerland. it happened after wanting to see a $40,000 handbag but the clerk failed to show it to her because it was quote, too expensive. the manager says it was all one big misunderstanding. cnn entertainment correspondent nischelle turner is joining us. what are the latest details, nischelle? reporter: i think a point to be made here is that oprah s not talking about what s happened to her or say it didn t happen. she s saying she s sorry everyone is focusing on the
how a strong economy here at home is going to make us that much more able abroad to achieve our foreign policy objectives. i think that is his strength. and anytime he strays from that core message of getting our act together here at home and firing our engines of growth, i mean, let s face it. we have some huge opportunities around the corner here domestically, both through tax reform and through energy independence, some sort of articulated vision on how we use shale gas going forward. this is going to be a growth revolution in this country that i don t think people fully comprehend in terms of what it s going to do for us in allowing us to get back on our feet economically. once that is locked in, we re in a much different position in terms of the leverage we have abroad. and that s one of the challenges today when you sit down at any negotiating table. we lack that leverage. governor, mark halperin here. nice to see you. we don t have a lot of time. i m asking you to do something